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Prophecy of
Mission City



Over the past few decades, a new vision for an "apostolic ministry center" has emerged in San Antonio. With that vision in mind, Mission City was born. 


Prophecies of an Apostolic Movement in San Antonio

There are numerous promises over San Antonio regarding an apostolic movement. Here are three key prophecies that speak to the role of Mission City.​​

Lance Wallnau Prophecy

Watch this 10-minute clip of Lance Wallnau at Faith Outreach Center

Read Jim Skaines 
1993 Prophecy


San Antonio
The Capital of Change

A Chuck Pierce prophecy



"And I would say to you, I've brought you to this place tonight so I could gather you and decree the redefining of this land has begun.  I say to you tonight, this is a beginning.  Here in this city, I am beginning to hover in a new way.  I will begin to realign the Americas from this city.  I say, I will begin to realign and I will begin to bring in a new order into the Americas and into the hemisphere that you are a part of from this city.  I say there will be a determining factor that arises in this city that creates the impetus of the way this nation goes.  I say to you immigration will no longer be known and heard the way that you have known it in the past.  For tonight I say the wall and the gates are changing, and I say My glory will begin to advance.  In the next five years I will realign the glory realm of this land.  And I say to you, I have brought you to this city for this will be the city of the gate that I open for the realignment. 


 A New Model


I say, you will find yourself saying we have now become the capital of the change and the economic alignment the cultural realignment of this land.  I say out of this city will come a new model.  For within this city, My glory will come in and rearrange the church.  I say to you I will begin to take some down this year, raise others up, and visit this city.  For I am here to announce tonight that I will transform and transfigure the way the cultures of this land have aligned in days past.  I will say to you, this is an announcement that has come to you tonight that no longer will remain the same what you have become and come into and become comfortable with.  For I say to you tonight I have opened up a realm to even say the economies of the regions will realign and this city will be known as the one who shook the economies.  For a glory realm is coming in upon you and I have chosen this region in as one of openings to begin a glory move south, sayeth the Lord.  I say in the next three months I will begin to rearrange the way I move from this city south throughout the lands.  And Mexico will begin to realign and you will see glory awakenings coming and being birthed in Mexico.  I then say within eight months after that, there will be a change of wind.  For in this change of wind, I say glory that is rising in Mexico will come back and rest in this land sayeth the Lord. 


The Decree


I say to you tonight I had to gather you here to decree that the need for My coming is now upon this land.  For I say, do not focus on the political candidates for I will raise up and recreate the messages of their mouths.  And you will begin to hear that the San Antonio region will set the course for a major model of the economic system and the banking of all of North America.  I say tonight the hunger for My glory has been restored into this place.  And I will interrupt and interrupt and interrupt again until a gate of My glory falls into this region sayeth the Lord.  This is your new beginning.  And the loins will shake and the peoples will realign.  And it will be heard that this city is now the awakening center for the alignment of the nations and the glory of the nations in days ahead." 

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